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🐴 Horse aging

Documentation relating to the kd_stable_horse-age add-on for Stable script.

1. Installation


Stable script is required to use this add-on

To install kd_stable_horse-age:

  • Drag and drop the resource into your resources folder
    • kd_stable_horse-age
  • Add this ensure in your server.cfg after ensure kd_stable
    • ensure kd_stable_horse-age

Congratulation, the Horse aging add-on is ready to be used!

2. Usage

Go on stable to see horses age.

3. Config.lua file

Config = {}

Config.timeRate = 365 -- the rate between the real time and the ingame time. example : 365.0 = the ingame time is 365x faster than real time (1 real day = 1 year ingame)
--Config.timeRate = 30 -- 1 real day = 1 month ingame

Config.deathAgeMin = 25 -- The minimum age the horse can die (in year).
Config.deathAgeMax = 30 -- The maximum age the horse can die (in year).
Config.buyAtAge = 3 -- The age of horse when you buy him (in year)

Config.visualHorseGrowth = true -- use true to change the horse size depending of his age
Config.HorseGrowthMin = 0.65 -- percentage of the normal size
Config.HorseGrowthMax = 1.0 -- percentage of the normal size
Config.AgeForGrowthMax = 5 -- horse's age when he reachs the max size (in year)

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