👔 Clothing Store
Documentation relating to the kd_clothingstore.
1. Installation
kd_clothingstore works on all frameworks compatible with jo_libs (the list).
To install kd_clothingstore:
- Download the library: jo_libs
- Unzip the folder and drop it in your resource folder
- Download kd_clothingstore from your keymaster
- Unzip the folder and drop it in your resource folder
- Add this ensure in your server.cfg
ensure jo_libs
ensure kd_clothingstore
For RedEM:RP (old only)
You have to edit the keep the ensure of redemrp_clothing and replace it with this empty resource :
To fixed clothes and skin, you have to edit two files :
- line 185
function LoadAll(gender, ped, pedskin, components, set)
local skin = SetDefaultSkin(gender, pedskin)
ApplyShopItemToPed(skin.HeadType, ped)
ApplyShopItemToPed(skin.BodyType, ped)
ApplyShopItemToPed(skin.LegsType, ped)
ApplyShopItemToPed(skin.Eyes, ped)
ApplyShopItemToPed(skin.Legs, ped)
ApplyShopItemToPed(skin.Hair, ped)
ApplyShopItemToPed(skin.Beard, ped)
ApplyShopItemToPed(skin.Torso, ped)
EquipMetaPedOutfit(skin.Waist, ped)
EquipMetaPedOutfit(skin.Body, ped)
Citizen.InvokeNative(0xAAB86462966168CE, ped, 1)
LoadFaceFeatures(ped, skin)
LoadComps(ped, components, set)
SetPedScale(ped, skin.Scale)
return skin
- line 8
function ConvertTable(comps, compTints)
local NewComps = {}
for k, comp in pairs(comps) do
NewComps[k] = { comp = comp, tint0 = 0, tint1 = 0, tint2 = 0, palette = 0 }
if compTints and compTints[k] and compTints[k][tostring(comp)] then
local compTint = compTints[k][tostring(comp)]
NewComps[k].tint0 = compTint.tint0 or 0
NewComps[k].tint1 = compTint.tint1 or 0
NewComps[k].tint2 = compTint.tint2 or 0
NewComps[k].palette = compTint.palette or 0
NewComps[k].state = compTint.state or nil
return NewComps
⚠ If you want to use clothes as items. You have to create some items. The list of items is in Config.clothesItem
variable in the config file. ⚠
Congratulation, the Clothing Store script is ready to be used!
2. Usage
Go on the store (blip on the map) to get the prompt. Press the key to open the menu.
3. Config.lua
Config = {}
Config.Debug = false
Config.BlipSprite = `blip_shop_tailor` -- Clothing shop sprite
Config.BlipSpriteWardrobes = `blip_shop_wardrobe`
Config.DisplayOutfitId = false
Config.PercentResell = 0.33 -- Use 0 tu turn off the resell feature : 0.5 = 50% of the initial price
Config.CanResellInWardrobe = false --Allow player to resell clothes in wardrobe
Config.OpenStoreNewCharacter = true
Config.EnablePrompt = true
Config.ExtraLightIntensity = 10.0 -- Light added in the store to see better the character
Config.OffsetRoutingBucket = 0 --value added to the serverID of the player to define the instance ID
Config.enableClothesManagement = true --use false to turn off the clothes management feature
Config.commands = { --set false to disable a command
refreshAllClothes = "rac" --command to refresh all clothes, use "/rac 0" to only update clothes states
Config.oldVORPChar = false --(Only for VORP users) to use the C# version of VORP Character
Config.Keys = {
Config.KeysDisabled = {
Config.clothesInItem = true -- set false to disable this feature
Config.clothesItem = { -- Only necessary if Config.clothesInItem = true
gloves = 'gloves',
eyewear = 'eyewear',
dresses = 'dresses',
shirts_full = 'shirts_full',
armor = 'armor',
gauntlets = 'gauntlets',
suspenders = 'suspenders',
neckties = 'neckties',
neckwear = 'neckwear',
vests = 'vests',
coats = 'coats',
coats_closed = 'coats',
cloaks = 'cloaks',
ponchos = 'ponchos',
masks = 'masks',
masks_large = 'masks',
hats = 'hats',
accessories = 'accessories',
loadouts = 'loadouts',
satchels = 'satchels',
jewelry_rings_right = 'jewelry',
jewelry_rings_left = 'jewelry',
jewelry_bracelets = 'jewelry',
aprons = 'aprons',
pants = 'pants',
skirts = 'skirts',
belts = 'belts',
belt_buckles = 'belt_buckles',
gunbelts = 'gunbelts',
holsters_left = 'holsters',
boots = 'boots',
boot_accessories = 'boot_accessories',
spats = 'spats',
chaps = 'chaps',
badges = 'badges',
gunbelt_accs = 'gunbelt_accs',
hair_accessories = 'hair_accessories'
Config.Stores = {
book = vector4(-326.17, 773.757, 117.5, -170.0), --location of the book
fittingRoom = vector4(-329.31, 775.11, 120.63, 294.79), --location of the fitting room
pedCoords = vector4(-325.67, 772.63, 116.44, 11.3), --location of the tailor ped
pedModel = `S_M_M_Tailor_01`, --model of the tailor ped
blip = true, --if the blip is displayed for this store
distancePrompt = 2.0, --distance to display the prompt
needInstance = true,
Config.Wardrobes = {
location = vector3(1223.55, -1288.67, 76.9),
blip = true,
distancePrompt = 2.0,
needInstance = false
-- Price for each category
-- use -1 to turn off the category
Config.Prices = {
coats_closed = 5,
chaps = 4,
spats = 5,
ponchos = 4.25,
holsters_left = 3.12,
masks = 10,
neckwear = 2.15,
armor = 20,
jewelry_rings_left = 1.25,
jewelry_rings_right = 1.25,
boot_accessories = 3.55,
gloves = 4.25,
badges = 2,
gunbelts = 5,
loadouts = 6.7,
vests = 5,
shirts_full = 5,
pants = 5,
suspenders = 1.5,
gunbelt_accs = 1,
hats = 3.5,
cloaks = 5,
coats = 5,
belts = 2,
gauntlets = 3,
eyewear = 6,
boots = 5,
jewelry_bracelets = 2,
satchels = 10,
accessories = 2,
neckties = 2,
skirts = 5,
belt_buckles = 1,
dresses = 5
Config.modelPrices = {}
Config.modelPrices["male"] = {}
Config.modelPrices["female"] = {}
for category in pairs (Config.Prices) do
Config.modelPrices["male"][category] = {}
Config.modelPrices["female"][category] = {}
--Config.modelPrices[<sexe>][<category>][<number>] = <price>
Config.modelPrices["male"]["hats"][2] = Config.Prices.hats * 1.25
Config.modelPrices["male"]["hats"][3] = {money=2.75, gold = 2}
Config.modelPrices["male"]["hats"][4] = 5.5
Config.modelPrices["male"]["hats"][5] = 4.25
Config.modelPrices["male"]["hats"][6] = Config.Prices.hats * 2
Config.modelPrices["female"]["skirts"][6] = Config.Prices.hats * 2
--Function to buy item with gold for framework without native way to do it
Config.CanBuyWithGold = function (source,price)
return false
4. For developers
If you need to overwrite a native function linked to the framework (custom inventory for example), you can overwrite my functions by added them in the config file. You don't need to use all functions.
Client Initialize the framework
Function to init your framework
-- variable "Core" - global variable for core script
-- variable "CoreInv" - global variable for inventory scriot
Config.InitFramework = function()
Server Apply new Outfit
Function fires when a player selects an outfit
--@param source is the serverID of the player
--@param clothes in the table with category in key and hash in value of the outfit
Config.ApplyNewOutfit = function(source,clothes)
Server Check money
Function to check if the player has enough money
--@param source is the serverID of the player
--@param price is the price of the cloth
--@param moneyType is the devise of the price : 0 for normal & 1 for gold
-- @return true/false to accept/deny the purchase
Config.CanBuy = function(source,price, moneyType)
return true
Server Initialize the framework
Function to init your framework
-- variable "Core" - global variable for core script
-- variable "CoreInv" - global variable for inventory scriot
Config.InitFramework = function()
Server Get Clothes
Function to get the player's clothes
--@param source is the serverID of the player
--clothes is a table with clothing category in key and hash of cloth in value.
--clothes can be a json array
Config.GetClothes = function(source)
local clothes = {}
return clothes
Server Get Identifier
Function to get the player identifier
--@param source is the serverID of the player
-- @return array with identifier and charid key
Config.GetIdentifier = function(source)
local player = {
identifier = identifier, --the identifier of player
charid = charid --the charid of player. If not needed just use ''
return player
Server Get Skin
Function to get the player's skin
--@param source is the serverID of the player
--skin is a table with category in key and data in value.
Config.GetSkin = function(source)
local skin = {}
return skin
Server Give Item
Function to give item to player
--@param source is the serverID of the player
--@param item is the item name
--@param quantity is the quantity of item
--@param meta is the meta of the item
Config.GiveItem= function(source,item,quantity,meta)
Server Give Money
Function to give money to player
--@param source is the serverID of the player
--@param amount is the amount of money to be sent to the player
Config.GiveMoney = function(source, amount)
Server Notify
Function to send notification to player from serverside
--@param source is the serverID of the player
--@param text is the text to be sent to the player
Config.Notify = function(source, text)
Server Register an Item
Function to register as usable an item
--@param item is the item name
--@param callback is the callback event with two arguments :
--callback(source,{hash = clothesHash})
Config.RegisterUseItem = function(item,callback)
Server Remove money
Function to register as usable an item
--@param source is the serverID of the player
--@param price is the price of the cloth
--@param moneyType is the devise of the price : 0 for normal & 1 for gold
Config.RemoveMoney = function(source,price, moneyType)
Server Save new clothes
Function to save the new clothe in the database
--@param source is the serverID of the player
--@param dataPreview is a table with the new cloth data :
-- dataPreview.menu is the category of cloth
-- dataPreview.hash is the hash of cloth
Config.SaveNewCloth = function(source,dataPreview)
Client Equip all clothes
You can equip all clothes with this client event :
Client Listen the closing of menu
You can grab the closing of the menu after the ped creation with this client event :
RegisterNetEvent('kd_clothingstore:client:endCreation', function()
Client Open the store
Event to open the store
--@param needInstance = true/false : Define if the wardrobe need personnal instance
TriggerEvent('kd_clothingstore:openStore', needInstance)
Client Open the wardrobe
Event to open the wardrobe
--@param needInstance = true/false : Define if the wardrobe need personnal instance
TriggerEvent('kd_clothingstore:openWardrobe', needInstance)
Client Remove all clothes
You can remove all clothes with this client event :
Client Use outfit
You can apply an outfit from his id to a player by trigger this server event (from client) :
Filters are the new way to modify data used by the script added in the v2.4.8
. These filters are fired at a specific point in time during the execution of the script. But contrary to events, filters are synchronous.
- Syntax:
-- @param <actionName> - name of the action
-- @param <argumentList> - list of arguments which are passed
exports.kd_clothingstore:RegisterFilter(<actionName>, function(variable)
-- Add your new data here
return variable -- Don't forget to return the value
- Example :
kd_clothingstore:RegisterFilter('canAccessToSpecificClothes', function(canAccess,source,clothesData,moneyType)
local job = GetJob(source)
if job ~= "tailor" then
return false, SendNotif("Only tailer can buy clothes")
return canAccess
Client Restrict the saving of new outfit
Fires to disable the "New" & "Save" button in the outfit menu
-- @param canSave - boolean : return false to disable buttons
exports.kd_clothingstore:RegisterFilter('canSaveNewOutfit', function(canSave)
return canSave
Server Edit metadata of clothes item
Fires before add the item in the player inventory
-- @param metadata - table : metadata of the item
-- @param source - int : serverID of the player
-- @param item - string : item name
exports.kd_clothingstore:RegisterFilter('editItemMeta', function(meta,source,item)
return canAccess
Server Restrict specific clothes
Fires before buy a new clothes
-- @param canAccess - boolean : return false to disable the buying
-- @param source - int : serverID of the player
-- @param clothesData - table : information about clothes
-- @param clothesData.hash - int : hash of the clothes
-- @param moneyType - int : devise of the order : 0 for normal & 1 for gold
exports.kd_clothingstore:RegisterFilter('canAccessToSpecificClothes', function(canAccess,source,clothesData,moneyType)
return canAccess
Server Restrict the using of clothes/outfit item
Fires when a player use an item
-- @param canUse - boolean : return false to not use the item
-- @param source - int : serverID of the player
-- @param metadata - table : item metadata
exports.kd_clothingstore:RegisterFilter('canUseItem', function(canUse,source,metadata)
return canAccess
5. Compatibility issues
RSG Fix rsg-bathing
Go in rsg-bathing\fxmanifest.lua
line 24 and remove the rsg-wardrobe
dependencies {
Go in rsg-bathing\client\client.lua
line 367 and edit UndressCharacter
UndressCharacter = function()
local ped = PlayerPedId()
local EquippedWeapons = {}
EquippedWeapons = exports['rsg-weapons']:EquippedWeapons()
for i = 1, #EquippedWeapons do
RemoveWeaponFromPed(ped, EquippedWeapons[i])