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🚗 Car door Icon

Documentation relating to the kd_ath_car_door.

1. Installation

CAR DOOR ICON is a standalone script. So you don't need a specific framework to use it. It's also mean it works with all framework (Esx, QBCore, VRP, DRP, …).

Drag and drop this folder in your resources folder

  • kd_ath_car_door Add this 3 ensures in your server.cfg
  • ensure kd_ath_car_door

Congratulation, the CAR DOOR ICON script is ready to be use !

2. Usage

You have nothing to do. Just be near car to see the icon. If you enter the car, your player will choose the seat where the icon here.

3. Config.lua

CommandSwitchSeat = {
    command = "seat", --use false to disable it
    description = "Switch to a new seat",
    argKey = "number",
    argDescription = "number of the seat. 0 - Driver, 1 - Passenger, ..."

function cprint(text)

-- Fix the position of icon
-- "All" for all car door
-- "[number]" for the specitifc seat number 0: driver, 1: front passenger, ...
DebugPorte = {
  ['dinghy'] = {["All"] = {HautCor = 0.3,RotG = 0,RotD = 0}},
  ['jetmax'] = {["All"] = {HautCor = 0.3,distanceG = 2.0,RotG = 70,distanceD = 2.0,RotD = -70}},
  ['marquis'] = {
      [0] = {HautCor = 1.0,AngleCor = 0,distanceG=3.0,RotG = 110},
      [1] = {HautCor = 1.0,AngleCor = 0,distanceD=-3.0,RotD = -100},
      [2] = {HautCor = 1.0,AngleCor = 0,distanceG=5.0,RotG = 100},
      [3] = {HautCor = 1.0,AngleCor = 0,distanceD=-5.0,RotD = -100},

-- Hide icon for specitic model 
CacherPorte = {
  ['jetmax'] = {2,3},
  ['seashark'] = {2,3},
  ['seashark2'] = {2,3},
  ['seashark3'] = {2,3},
  ['rcbandito'] = {0,1,2,3,4},

DebugEntree = {
  ["cargoplane"] = 16,

-- Fix the mlodel name of vehicle
DebugModel = {
  ["dilettan"] = "dilettante",

Last updated: