🐴 Stable
Documentation relating to the kd_stable.
1. Installation
kd_stable works on all frameworks compatible with jo_libs (the list).
To install kd_stable :
- Download the library: jo_libs
- Unzip the folder and drop it in your resource folder
- Download kd_stable from your keymaster
- Unzip the folder and drop it in your resource folder
- Add this ensure in your server.cfg
ensure jo_libs
ensure kd_stable
Congratulation, the Stable script is ready to be used!
Be sure you have oxmysql ensure in your server.cfg
The script automatically creates all necessary database tables during its initial startup.
2. Usage
Go to the store (blip on the map) to get the prompt. Press the key to open the menu.
3. Script configuration
Price format
You can use dollar and/or gold to set the price in the config file
--To use only dollar
price = 5.00 --or price = {money = 5.0}
--To use dollar and fold
price = {money = 5.00, gold = 2}
--To use only gold
price = {gold = 2}
Config.lua file
-- DOCUMENTATION : https://docs.jumpon-studios.com/
-- TO OVERWRITE CONFIG VALUE, USE overwriteConfig.lua file instead
Config = {}
Config.debug = false
Config.realisticMod = false
-- if true :
-- No horse teleportation. You can only whistle horse if he is near than you.
-- Horse are linked on the last stable you use to stabling it.
Config.distancePromptStore = 3.0 --maximum distance to display the prompt to open the store
Config.distanceSpawnPed = 15.0 --maximum distance to spawn the stable man
Config.distanceSpawnHorse = 50.0 --distance to spawn the horse when whistle
Config.distanceTeleportHorse = 200.0 -- maximum distance to whistle horse before teleport him
Config.ExtraLightIntensity = 15.0 --Light intensity when preview horse in stable
Config.syncTimer = 2000 --Loop timer to resync horse after using instance
Config.useMenuWithMouse = true --turn off to disable the mouse controler for the menu
Config.needAllHorseWagon = true --turn true to only allow wagon if all needed horses are selected
Config.refreshTimerHorseStat = 1000 --time in ms to calcul the new stat of horse. Little value = more precise but more heavy for CPU
Config.saveHorseStatTimer = 60*1000 --time in ms to save new horses stats in database
Config.disableHorseFlee = false --disable the possibility to flee horses
Config.usePromptHorseStatistics = true --turn off the prompt to display horses statistics
Config.maxDistanceWithHorseshoes = 100 --in kilometers
Config.warningMessageHorseshoePercent = 20 --display a warning message when the horseshoes is under this value
Config.stopRunHorseshoesPercent = 10 --disable horse run when horseshoes is under this value
Config.distanceSafeSpawn = 5.0 --minimal distance from the farest vehicle to be able to spawn a new one
Config.useHorseHolster = true --false to disable horse holster (only the horse owner can interact with it)
Config.showHorseLevelUp = true --false to turn of horse exp notifications
Config.keepHorseCoreDuration = 60*1000 --time in ms (duration after which stats of a horse that flee are resetting)
Config.forceDespawnAfterFleeTimer = 10*1000 --time in ms to delete the horse after flee
Config.uniquePriceForStableTransfer = false -- false : transfer price depends of the distance, true : same price for all stables
Config.allowStowSmallPeltOnHorse = true
Config.winExpByWalk = { --horse exp win by walking
distance = 200, --distance to earn new points (in meters)
point = 1 --amount earn by each distance
-- Bonding level depend of the horse breed
-- Level 1 ~ 100 points
-- Level 2 ~ 250 points
-- Level 3 ~ 800 points
-- Level 4 ~ 1500 points
Config.horseSlots = 5 -- maximum of horse for players (set -1 to unlimited)
Config.wagonSlots = 5 -- maximum of horse for players (set -1 to unlimited)
Config.commands = { --set false to disable a command
sidesiddle = "sidesaddle",
fixWagon = "fixWagon",
fixHorse = "fixHorse",
fleeHorse = "fleeHorse"
Config.allowCustomColorForHorse = true --turn off to remove the prompt to allow custom color on horse coat
Config.palettesForHorseCoat = {
tint_generic_clean = true,
tint_hair = true,
tint_horse = true,
tint_horse_leather = true,
tint_leather = true,
tint_makeup = true
Config.allowCustomColorForComponent = true --turn off to remove the prompt to allow custom color on horse component
Config.palettesForComponent = {
tint_generic_clean = true,
tint_hair = true,
tint_horse = true,
tint_horse_leather = true,
tint_leather = true,
tint_makeup = true
Config.saddlebagMod = 2
-- 0 : No horse saddlebag
-- 1 : Saddlebag only for horse owner
-- 2 : Everyone can access to the saddlebag
Config.wagonLockerMod = 1
-- 0 : No wagon locker
-- 1 : Wagon locker only for wagon owner
-- 2 : Everyone can access to the wagon locker
Config.saddlebag = {
maxWeight = 500.0,
maxSlots = 10 --for QBR & RSG & VORP
Config.displaySaddlebagSlotInStore = true --Set false to hide the maxSlots
Config.displaySaddlebagWeightInStore = true --Set false to hide the maxWeight
Config.wagonLocker = { --default locker size for wagon
maxWeight = 1000.0,
maxSlots = 50 --for QBR & RSG & VORP
Config.displayLockerSlotInStore = true --Set false to hide the maxSlots
Config.displayLockerWeightInStore = true --Set false to hide the maxWeight
Config.keys = {
favourite = "INPUT_SHOP_SPECIAL",
release = "INPUT_FRONTEND_RS",
unequip = "INPUT_SHOP_SELL",
wagonLocker = "INPUT_SHOP_SPECIAL",
takeSaddlebag = "INPUT_FRONTEND_RS",
colorPalette = "INPUT_CREATOR_RS",
takeLantern = "INPUT_HUD_SPECIAL"
Config.items = {
feed = {
name = 'carrots', --item name
health = 30, --health bonus for horse
stamina = 30, --stamina bonus for horse
remove = true,
brush = { --let empty to unlimited horse brush
name = "horsebrush",
remove = false,
Config.stables = {
id = "valentine",--must be unique
name = "Valentine",
location = vec4(-365.15,792.68,115.18,178.47),
pedModel = `u_m_m_bwmstablehand_01`,
blip = `blip_shop_horse`,--set to false to turn the blip off
disableHorseMenu = false, --set to true to disable the horse menu part
disableWagonMenu = false, --set to true to disable the wagon menu part
horsesAvailable = {},--let empty to allow all horses, use false to disable
canBuyHorseComponents = true, --use false to disable the buying of horse components
previewHorse = vec4(-369.59,793.00,115.15,177.26), --location to preview new horse
previewMyHorse = vec4(-371.76,786.87,115.16,272.08), --location to preview your horse
equipMyHorse = vec4(-371.76,786.87,115.16,272.08), --location for the ride horse scene
wagonsAvailable = {},--let empty to allow all wagons, use false to disable
previewWagon = vec4(-371.76,786.87,115.16,272.08), --location to preview wagon
spawnWagon = vec4(-370.69, 775.85, 116.26, 269.11), --location to spawn wagon
storeSaddle = vec4(-365.235, 790.888, 116.175,0.0),
inside = { --polyzone
vec3(-376.765, 793.418, 116.124),
vec3(-363.036, 793.695, 116.188),
vec3(-362.191, 784.502, 116.180),
vec3(-376.236, 783.673, 116.177)
parkWagon = { --polyzone to store the wagon (optional)
vec3(1199.763, -179.827, 100.658),
vec3(1201.357, -169.945, 100.649),
vec3(1211.116, -169.303, 101.508),
vec3(1213.158, -177.519, 101.384)
Config.activities = {
speed = {
price = {money = 5, gold = 8},
numberRepeatToLevelUp = 2
acceleration = {
price = {money = 5, gold = 8},
numberRepeatToLevelUp = 2
handling = {
price = 5,
numberRepeatToLevelUp = 2
Config.trainings = {
inside = {
vec3(-380.670, 767.151, 116.089),
vec3(-398.417, 765.606, 115.804),
vec3(-402.168, 768.392, 115.727),
vec3(-403.746, 787.087, 115.772),
vec3(-400.821, 790.560, 115.963),
vec3(-385.480, 791.913, 115.882),
vec3(-381.809, 788.601, 115.925)
blip = `blip_horse_owned_bonding_4`,--set to false to turn the blip off
jobs = {}, --let empty to not restrict to a specific job,
activities = {'speed','acceleration','handling'} --'speed'/'acceleration'/'handling'
Config.prices = {
horse_saddles = 5,
horse_saddlebags = 5,
saddle_stirrups = 5,
saddle_horns = 5,
horse_blankets = 5,
horse_bedrolls = 5,
horse_manes = 5,
horse_tails = 5,
horse_shoes = 5,
horse_accessories = 5,
horse_bridles = 5,
saddle_lanterns = 5,
horse_mustache = 5,
wagon = 100,
horse = 100,
vehicle_tints = 10,
vehicle_propsets = 10,
vehicle_liveries = 10,
vehicle_lantern_propsets = 10,
vehicle_extras = 10,
horse_outfits = 10,
reviveHorse = {money=100, gold = 23} --set false to disable the revive of horse
Config.modelPrices = {}
for category in pairs (Config.prices) do
Config.modelPrices[category] = {}
Config.modelPrices[category] = {}
Config.modelPrices['horse_saddles'][2] = {money = 50,gold = 2}
Config.horses = {
[1] = {
price = {money=2.75,gold = 2},
name = "New name", --optional
noDieByAge = true, --if true, the horse will not die by aging (optional)
age = 5, --Age of the horse if 'Horse Aging' add-ons is loaded
variations = {
attributes = {
speed = 4,-- 1<>10
maxSpeed = 8, -- speed<>10
acceleration = 2,-- 1<>10
maxAcceleration = 9, -- acceleration<>10
handling= 1,--1 = heavy,2 = standard,3 = race,4 = elite
maxHandling = 4, --handling<>4
saddlebag = { --optional
maxWeight = 100.0,
maxSlots = 5
Config.prices.wagon = 100
Config.wagonLocker = { --default locker size for wagon
maxWeight = 1000.0,
maxSlots = 10 --for QBR & RSG & VORP
Config.wagons = {
[1] = {
price = {money = 500.0, gold = 15},
model = "armysupplywagon",
locker = {
maxWeight = 5000.0,
maxSlots = 15
-- locker = false, --Disable the locker
4. Add new activity
You can add more activity to train your horse by edit the file : overwriteActivities.lua
type = "handling", -- Type of training : "handling", "speed" or "acceleration"
start = vec4(-386.273, 788.489, 115.865, 93.648), -- location of the start
camPreview = { -- Camera for the trailer
{ -- Start position
coords = vec3(-386.293, 800.838, 117.883),
rot = vec3(-7.000,0.000,155.131),
{ -- End position
coords = vec3(-388.248, 800.757, 117.926),
rot = vec3(-7.000,0.000,165.14),
props = { -- list of props to spawn for the training
model = `mp001_p_mp_jump_sackshort01`,
coords = vec3(-392.630, 768.967, 114.730),
rotation = vec3(0, 0, -85.999),
checkpoints = { -- list of checkpoints
coords = vec3(-392.8, 768.856, 116.826),
marker = "ring", -- optional : Type of marker "ring", "cylinder" or marker hash
size = vec2(1.0,1.0), -- optional : Size of the marker
rotation = vec3(0,0,-85) -- optional : Rotation of the marker
distance = 3.0 -- optional : Distance to valid the checkpoint
5. For developers
Client Add a new horse to the stable
Client event to add a spawned horse to the player stable
--@param horse - int : entity ID of the horse
--@param name - string : name of the horse
--@param age - int : age of the horse (optional)
--@param noDieByAge - boolean : if true, the horse will not die by aging (optional)
Client Stop saddlebag animation
Client event to stop the saddlebag animation
Server Create a new wagon
Have to be call from the server side
-- @param source - int : serverID of the wagon owner
-- @param stableID - string : ID of the stable
-- @param model - string : model of the wagon
-- @param name - string : name of the wagon
TriggerEvent('kd_stable:server:AddNewWagon', source, stableID, model, name)
Server Repair horseshoes
This event has to be called from the server side.
-- @param source - int : serverID of the wagon owner
-- @param sucess - boolean : true if a horse is found around the player
-- @param horseNetId - int : Network ID of the horse
TriggerEvent('kd_stable:server:requestChangeHorseShoes', source, function(success,horseNetId)
Overwrite framework functions
If you need to overwrite a native function linked to the framework (custom inventory for example), you can overwrite my functions by adding them in the config file. You don't need to use all the functions.
Client Initialize the framework
Function to init your framework
-- variable "Core" - global variable for core script
-- variable "CoreInv" - global variable for inventory scriot
Config.InitFramework = function()
Client Change notification functions
Function to use another notifications system
Config.NotifRight = function(text, dict_icon, icon, color, duration,soundset_ref,soundset_name)
Config.NotifLeft = function(title, text, dict_icon, icon, color, duration,soundset_ref,soundset_name)
Config.DisplayObjectif = function(text,duration)
Config.DisplayTitle = function(text)
Client Restrict the access to specific stable
Function to restrict access to a specific stable
-- @param stableID - ID of stable
-- @return false to cancel the access to the stable
Config.CanAccessToStable= function(stableID)
return true
Client Restrict the color palette
Function to restrict the color palette
-- @param typeItem = 'horse' or 'component'
-- @return false if the player can't open the color palette
-- @return true if the player can open the color palette
Config.CanOpenColorPalette = function(typeItem)
return true
Server Check money
Function to check if the player has enough money to buy something
-- @param source - serverID of the player
-- @param price - price of the cloth
-- @param moneyType - devise of the price : 0 for normal & 1 for gold
-- @return true/false to accept/deny the purchase
Config.CanBuy = function(source,price,moneyType)
Server Get Identifier
Function to get the identifier of player
-- @param source - serverID of the player
-- @return array with identifier and charid key
Config.GetIdentifier = function(source)
local player = {
identifier = identifier, --the identifier of player
charid = charid --the charid of player. If not needed just use ''
return player
Server Get Job
Function to get the player's job
-- @param source - serverID of the player
-- @return the job name
Config.GetJob = function(source)
Server Get RP Name
Function to get the player's name
-- @param source - serverID of the player
-- @return the player name
Config.GetRPName = function(source)
Server Give money
Function to give money to the player
-- @param source - serverID of the player
-- @param amount - money amount
Config.GiveMoney = function(source,amount)
Server Initialize the framework
Function to init your framework
-- variable "Core" - global variable for core script
-- variable "CoreInv" - global variable for inventory scriot
Config.InitFramework = function()
Server Notification
Function to send notification to the player
-- @param source - serverID of the player
-- @param text - text of notification
Config.Notify = function(source,text)
Server Open saddlebag
Function to open saddlebag
-- @param source - serverID of the player
-- @param saddlebagID - ID of container
-- @param horseID - ID of the horse
Config.OpenSaddlebag = function(source,saddlebagID, horseID)
Server Open wagon locker
Function to open wagon locker
-- @param source - serverID of the player
-- @param wagonID - ID of container
Config.OpenWagonLocker = function(source,wagonID)
Server Overwrite horse slot
Function to overwrite the number of horses the player can buy
-- @param typeOrder - type of order : 'horse' or 'wagon'
-- @param source - serverID of the player
Config.overwriteMaxSlot = function(typeOrder,source)
Server Overwrite price
Function to overwrite order price
-- @param source - serverID of the player
-- @param typeOrder = 'horse' or 'component' or 'wagon' or 'reviveHorse'
-- @param data - identifiant of item
-- horseID for 'reviveHorse'
-- horseID for 'horse'
-- category for 'component'
-- wagonID for 'wagon'
-- @param price - default price of order
-- @return price with the price format
Config.overwritePrice = function(source,typeOrder, data, price)
return true
Server Use Item
Function to use an item
-- @param source - serverID of the player
-- @param item - item name
-- @param amount - amount used
-- @param meta - meta of item
-- @param remove - if the item have to be removed or not
-- @return true if the item is used
Config.UseItem = function(source,item,amount,meta,remove)
Server Restrict horse buying
Function to restrict specific horse buying
-- @param source - serverID of the player
-- @param horseKey - key of Horse in Config.horses list
-- @return false to cancel the order
Config.restrictHorseBuying = function(source,horseKey)
return true
Job lock horses
You can job lock some horses by add this snippet in your overwriteConfig.lua
if IsDuplicityVersion() then
--job lock the horse number 1 & 2
Config.horses[1].job = "horseTrainer"
Config.horses[2].job = "horseTrainer"
--Function to restrict the horse buying
Config.restrictHorseBuying = function(source,horseKey)
--Get the horse configuration
local horse = Config.horses[horseKey]
--Allow buy if the job lock is not set
if not horse.job then return true end
--Get the player job
local job = jo.framework:getJob(source)
--Compare the job
if job ~= horse.job then
--Lock the order because the player's job is not the right
return false
--Allow buy
return true
Server Restrict wagon buying
Function to restrict specific wagon buying
-- @param source - serverID of the player
-- @param wagonKey - key of wagon in Config.wagons list
-- @return false to cancel the order
Config.restrictWagonBuying = function(source,wagonKey)
return true
Client Get player's horses
exports to get the list of player's horses datas
Client Get player's wagons
exports to get the list of player's wagons datas
Server Get script configuration
exports to get the script configuration
Server Get horse data
exports to get the horse datas
-- @param horseID - ID of the horse (optional)
-- if horseID is missing, the function returns the full list of horses
Server Get wagon data
exports to get the wagon datas
-- @param wagonID - ID of the wagon (optional)
-- if wagonID is missing, the function returns the full list of wagons
Actions are the new way to modify how the script works or add new features added in the v1.1.0
. These actions are event that occurs at a specific point in time during the execution of the script. But contrary to events, actions are synchronous.
- Syntax:
-- @param <actionName> - name of the action
-- @param <argumentList> - list of arguments which are passed
exports.kd_stable:registerAction(<actionName>, function(<argumentList>)
-- Add your new feature here
- Example :
exports.kd_stable:registerAction('spawnHorse', function(source,horse,horseID)
local horseData = Horses[source][horseID]
local lanternID = horseData.components.saddle_lanterns?.id or false
if lanternID then
- All actions :
Client initHorsePrompt
Fires when the horse prompt is initialized
-- @param promptGroupId - prompt group ID
-- @param entity - entity ID of the target
exports.kd_stable:registerAction('initHorsePrompt', function(promptGroupId,entity)
Client letterBox
Fires when the letter box state is switched
-- @param show - state of letter box: true/false
exports.kd_stable:registerAction('letterBox', function(show)
Client loopTargeting
Fires when the player targets a registered horse
-- @param target - entity ID of the target
-- @param distance - distance between the player and the entity
exports.kd_stable:registerAction('loopTargeting', function(target,distance)
Client refreshPreviewMyHorse
Fires when the horse components are refreshed
-- @param entity - entity ID of the horse
-- @param horseData - all horse's datas
exports.kd_stable:registerAction('refreshPreviewMyHorse', function(entity,horseData)
Client updatePreview
Fires when user select a new item in the menu
-- @param itemMenuData - all data of menu's item
exports.kd_stable:registerAction('updatePreview', function(itemMenuData)
Server bequeathHorse
Fires when the player bequeaths the horse to another player
-- @param source - serverID of the player
-- @param horseID - ID of the horse
-- @param targetID - serverID of the player targeted
exports.kd_stable:registerAction('bequeathHorse', function(source,horseID,targetID)
Server bequeatWagon
Fires when the player bequeaths the wagon to another player
-- @param source - serverID of the player
-- @param wagonID - ID of the horse
-- @param targetID - serverID of the player targeted
exports.kd_stable:registerAction('bequeathWagon', function(source,wagonID,targetID)
Server buyComponent
Fires when the player buys a new component
-- @param source - serverID of the player
-- @param componentData - information about the component
-- componentData.category - category of the component
-- componentData.hash - hash of the component
-- @param price - price of the horse
-- @param moneyType - devise of the price : 0 for normal & 1 for gold
exports.kd_stable:registerAction('buyComponent', function(source,componentData,price,moneyType)
Server buyHorse
Fires when the player buys a new horse
-- @param source - serverID of the player
-- @param horseData - information about the horse
-- horseData.id - ID of the horse
-- horseData.model - model of the horse
-- horseData.favourite - is favourite horse
-- horseData.name - horse's name
-- horseData.stable - stable where the horse is bought
-- horseData.isFemale - is horse a female
-- horseData.speed - horse's speed statistic
-- horseData.acceleration - horse's acceleration statistic
-- horseData.handling - horse's handling statistic
-- horseData.components - array of horse's components <key: category, value: componentData>
-- horseData.birth - (need aging add-on) horse's birthday
-- horseData.deathAge - (need aging add-on) horse's age of death
-- @param price - price of the horse
-- @param moneyType - devise of the price : 0 for normal & 1 for gold
exports.kd_stable:registerAction('buyHorse', function(source,horseData,price,moneyType)
Server buyWagon
Fires when the player buys a new wagon
-- @param source - serverID of the player
-- @param wagonData - information about the wagon
-- wagonData.id - ID of the wagon
-- wagonData.model - model of the wagon
-- wagonData.name - name of the wagon
-- wagonData.stable - stable where the wagon is bought
-- wagonData.vehicle_tints - tint of the wagon
-- wagonData.vehicle_extras - extra of the wagon
-- wagonData.vehicle_lantern_propsets - lantern of the wagon
-- wagonData.vehicle_propsets - propset of the wagon
-- wagonData.vehicle_liveries - livery of the wagon
-- @param price - price of the wagon
-- @param moneyType - devise of the price : 0 for normal & 1 for gold
exports.kd_stable:registerAction('buyWagon', function(source,wagonData,price,moneyType)
Server deleteHorse
Fires when the player deletes a horse
-- @param source - serverID of the player
-- @param horseID - ID of the horse
exports.kd_stable:registerAction('deleteHorse', function(source,horseID)
Server deleteWagon
Fires when the player deletes a wagon
-- @param source - serverID of the player
-- @param wagonID - ID of the wagon
exports.kd_stable:registerAction('deleteWagon', function(source,wagonID)
Server horseDying
Fires when a horse is dying
-- @param horseID - ID of the horse
exports.kd_stable:registerAction('horseDying', function(horseID)
Server horsesLoaded
Fires when the list of horses is loaded
exports.kd_stable:registerAction('horsesLoaded', function()
Server initSQLValues
Fires when all database values are updated after the script is started
exports.kd_stable:registerAction('initSQLValues', function()
Server newFavorite
Fires when the player assigns a new favourite horse
-- @param source - serverID of the player
-- @param horseID - ID of the horse
exports.kd_stable:registerAction('newFavorite', function(source,horseID)
Server openSaddlebag
Fires when the player opens a saddlebag
-- @param source - serverID of the player
-- @param saddleID - ID of the saddlebag
exports.kd_stable:registerAction('openSaddlebag', function(source,saddleID)
Server openWagonLocker
Fires when the player opens a wagon locker
-- @param source - serverID of the player
-- @param wagonID - ID of the wagon
exports.kd_stable:registerAction('openWagonLocker', function(source,wagonID)
Server outHorse
Fires when the player get out a horse
-- @param source - serverID of the player
-- @param horse - entity ID of the horse (server entity)
-- @param horseID - ID of the horse
exports.kd_stable:registerAction('outHorse', function(source,horse,horseID)
Server putSaddlebag
Fires when the player puts a saddlebag on a horse
-- @param source - serverID of the player
-- @param horseID - ID of the horse
-- @param saddleID - ID of the saddlebag
exports.kd_stable:registerAction('putSaddlebag', function(source,horseID,saddleID)
Server reviveHorse
Fires when the player revives a horse
-- @param source - serverID of the player
-- @param horseID - ID of the horse
-- @param price - price of the wagon
-- @param moneyType - devise of the price : 0 for normal & 1 for gold
exports.kd_stable:registerAction('reviveHorse', function(source,horseID,price,moneyType)
Server spawnWagon
Fires when the player spawns a wagon
-- @param source - serverID of the player
-- @param wagon - entity ID of the wagon (server entity)
-- @param wagonID - ID of the wagon
exports.kd_stable:registerAction('spawnWagon', function(source,wagon,wagonID)
Server stableHorse
Fires when the player stables a horse
-- @param source - serverID of the player
-- @param horseID - ID of the horse
-- @param stableID - ID of the stable
exports.kd_stable:registerAction('stableHorse', function(source,horseID,stableID)
Server stableWagon
Fires when the player stables a wagon
-- @param source - serverID of the player
-- @param wagonID - ID of the wagon
-- @param stableID - ID of the stable
exports.kd_stable:registerAction('stableWagon', function(source,wagonID,stableID)
Server takeSaddlebag
Fires when the player takes a saddlebag off a horse
-- @param source - serverID of the player
-- @param horseID - ID of the horse
-- @param saddleID - ID of the saddlebag
exports.kd_stable:registerAction('takeSaddlebag', function(source,horseID,saddleID)
Server updateSQLStructure
Fires when the MySQL is initialized
exports.kd_stable:registerAction('updateSQLStructure', function()
Server wagonsLoaded
Fires when the list of wagons is fully loaded from the database
exports.kd_stable:registerAction('wagonsLoaded', function()
Filters are the new way to modify data used by the script added in the v1.2.0
. These filters are fired at a specific point in time during the execution of the script. But contrary to events, filters are synchronous.
- Syntax:
-- @param <actionName> - name of the action
-- @param <argumentList> - list of arguments which are passed
exports.kd_stable:registerFilter(<actionName>, function(variable)
-- Add your new data here
return variable -- Don't forget to return the value
- Example :
kd_stable:registerFilter('filterHorseData', function(horseData)
horseData = "New name"
return horseData
Client canAccessToStable
Fires before display of the stable prompt
-- @param canAccess - boolean
-- @param stable - stable data
exports.kd_stable:registerFilter('canAccessToStable', function(canAccess, stable)
return canAccess
Client canFleeHorse
Overwrite the player's ability to make the horse flee
-- @param canFlee - boolean
-- @param entity - entity ID of the horse
exports.kd_stable:registerFilter('canFleeHorse', function(canFlee,entity)
return canFlee
Client canUseFixHorseCommand
Fires before display of the fix horse prompt with the command
-- @param canUse - boolean
exports.kd_stable:registerFilter('canUseFixHorseCommand', function(canUse)
return canUse
Client canUseFixWagonCommand
Fires before fixing a wagon with the command
-- @param canUse - boolean
exports.kd_stable:registerFilter('canUseFixWagonCommand', function(canUse)
return canUse
Client filterHorseData
Fires before generate horse item in menu
-- @param horseData - horse's datas
exports.kd_stable:registerFilter('filterHorseData', function(horseData)
return horseData
Client filterNotification
filter the notification messages
-- @param message - message's datas
-- @param message.type - string : 'notificationLeft' or 'notificationRight' (can't be change)
-- @param message.title - string : notification title
-- @param message.text - string : notification text
-- @param message.dict - string : dictionary of the icon
-- @param message.icon - string : icon name
-- @param message.color - string : color of the text
-- @param message.duration - int : duration of the notification
-- @param message.soundset_ref - string : dictionary of the sound
-- @param message.soundset_name - string : sound name
exports.kd_stable:registerFilter('filterNotification', function(message)
--return false to turn off the notification
return message
Client filterYourHorseLine
Fires after generated horse item in menu
-- @param item - menu item
-- @param horseData - horse's datas
exports.kd_stable:registerFilter('filterYourHorseLine', function(item,horseData)
return item
Client generateHorseStatisticsForMenu
Fires before the display of the horse statistics in the menu
-- @param stats - table of horse's statistics
-- @param horseData - horse's datas
exports.kd_stable:registerFilter('generateHorseStatisticsForMenu', function(stats,horseData)
return stats
Client isSameMenu
Fires before do update actions when user select new item in menu
-- @param same - boolean value
-- same = true - Do update actions
-- same = false - Cancel all update actions
exports.kd_stable:registerFilter('isSameMenu', function(same)
return same
Client updateHorseDataBeforeSpawn
Fires before spawn an horse
-- @param horseData - horse's datas
exports.kd_stable:registerFilter('updateHorseDataBeforeSpawn', function(horseData)
return item
Client updateItemHorseAvailable
Fires before display horse owned line in the menu
-- @param item - menu item
-- @param horseID - horse ID in the database
exports.kd_stable:registerFilter('updateItemHorseAvailable', function(item, horseID)
return item
Client updateLangForNUI
Fires before update translated string
-- @param _lang - array of translated script
-- <key> is the key of string (don't edit them)
-- <value> is the translated string
exports.kd_stable:registerFilter('updateLangForNUI', function(_lang)
return _lang
Client updatePreviewPrompt
Fires after all update action to edit the current prompt
-- @param currentPrompt - name of the current prompt
-- @param itemMenuData - all data of menu's item
exports.kd_stable:registerFilter('updatePreviewPrompt', function(currentPrompt,itemMenuData)
return currentPrompt
Server buyHorse
Fires when player buy a new horse, just before the 'buyHorse' action
-- @param horseData - horse's datas filtered
-- @param horseID - horse ID in Config.horses table
-- @param source - serverID of the player
exports.kd_stable:registerFilter('buyHorse', function(horseData,horseID,source)
return horseData
Server canBuyTraining
Fires when player try to buy a training
-- @param canBuy - boolean
-- @param source - serverID of the player
-- @param activity - activity data
-- @param moneyType - the type of money used to buy the training
-- @param horseNetID - the net ID of the horse
-- @param activityIndex - The index of the activity in Config.trainings
exports.kd_stable:registerFilter('canBuyTraining', function(canBuy, source,activity,moneyType,horseNetID,activityIndex)
return canBuy
server canTrainHorse
Fires when player open the training menu
-- @param canOpen - boolean
-- @param source - serverID of the player
-- @param trainingID - the training ID
-- @param horseID - ID of the horse
exports.kd_stable:registerFilter('canTrainHorse', function(canOpen,source,trainingID,horseID)
return canOpen
server canUseWagonLocker
Manage the access to a specific wagon locker
-- @param canUse - boolean
-- @param source - int : serverID of the player
-- @param wagonID - int : ID of the wagon
-- @param model - string : model of the wagon
-- @param size - table : size of the wagon locker
-- size.maxWeight
-- size.maxSlots
exports.kd_stable:registerFilter('canUseWagonLocker', function(canUse, source, wagonID, model, size )
return canUse
Server loadHorseData
Fires at the start of the script after all horses data is loaded
-- @param horseData - horse's datas filtered
-- @param itemMenuData - horse's datas filtered from database
exports.kd_stable:registerFilter('loadHorseData', function(horseData,horseDataFromDB)
return horseData
Server updateExpByWalk
Fires when player rides a horse to update his experience
-- @param configWinExpByWalk - Config.winExpByWalk
-- @param horseID - ID of the horse
exports.kd_stable:registerFilter('updateExpByWalk', function(configWinExpByWalk,horseID)
return configWinExpByWalk
Server updateMaxStableSlot
Fires when player opens a saddlebag
-- @param maxAmount - maximum of slot
-- @param source - serverID of the player
-- @param typeOrder - 'horse' or 'wagon'
exports.kd_stable:registerFilter('updateMaxStableSlot', function(maxAmount,source,typeOrder)
return maxAmount
Server updateSaddlebagConfig
Fires when player opens a saddlebag
-- @param saddlebagConfig - saddlebag configuration
-- saddlebagConfig.maxSlots
-- saddlebagConfig.maxWeight
-- @param hash - saddlebag component hash
-- @param source - serverID of the player
-- @param horseID - ID of the horse
-- @paran invName - ID of the inventory
exports.kd_stable:registerFilter('updateSaddlebagConfig', function(saddlebagConfig,hash,source, horseID, invName)
return saddlebagConfig