Documentation relating to the jo_mdt.
1. Installation
jo_mdt works on all frameworks compatible with jo_libs (the list).
To install jo_mdt :
- Download the library: jo_libs
- Unzip the folder and drop it in your resource folder
- Download jo_mdt from your keymaster
- Unzip the folder and drop it in your resource folder
- Add this ensure in your server.cfg
ensure jo_libs
ensure jo_mdt
Congratulation, the MDT script is ready to be used!
Be sure you have oxmysql ensure in your server.cfg
The script automatically creates all necessary database tables during its initial startup.
For RedEM:RP (old)
Add this Shared functions in redemrp_inventory/server/sv_main.lua
return data
function SharedInventoryFunctions.addItemLocker(name, amount, meta, lockerId)
if not Locker[lockerId] then Locker[lockerId] = {} end
addItemLocker(name, amount, meta, lockerId)
function SharedInventoryFunctions.getLocker(lockerId)
return PrepareToOutput(Locker[lockerId])
----=======================SHARED FUNCTIONS ================================
For RedEM:RP (2023)
Add this Shared functions in redemrp_inventory/server/main.lua
return data
function SharedInventoryFunctions.addItemStash(source, name, amount, meta, stashId)
if not Stash[stashId] then Stash[stashId] = {} end
addItemStash(source, name, amount, meta, stashId)
function SharedInventoryFunctions.getStash(stashId)
return PrepareToOutput(Stash[stashId])
Congratulation, the MDT script is ready to be used!
2. Usage
- If you set
Config.openingMode = "item"
Go to one of the sheriff station to get your MDT. Use the MDT item to open it.
- If you set
Config.openingMode = "command"
Use /mdt
to open the MDT
3. Script configuration
Config.lua file
Config = {}
Config.openingMode = "item"
-- "item": use the item to open the MDT
-- "command": use the command to open the MDT
Config.citizensSyncMode = "station"
-- "station": sync between all MDT from the same station (only if Config.openingMode = "item")
-- "global": sync between all MDT
Config.reportSyncMode = "mdt"
-- "mdt": only display reports included in the mdt inventory
-- "station": sync between all MDT from the same station (only if Config.openingMode = "item")
-- "global": sync between all MDT
Config.distanceToSyncStationContent = 5.0 --distance max between the player and station to sync his content
Config.keys = {
backToClipboard = "INPUT_FRONTEND_UP",
fileLockerAccess = "INPUT_FRONTEND_ACCEPT",
Config.commands = {
openMDT = "mdt" --if (Config.openingMode == "command")
Config.items = {
mdt = "mdt", -- MDT item name
report = "mdt_report", -- report item name
Config.stations = {
id = "saintDenis", --has to be unique
name = "Saint-Denis", --label of the station
location = vec3(2509.532, -1304.805, 48.954), --location of the file cabinet
distancePrompt = 1.0, --distance to access to the file cabinet
jobs = {'sheriff'} --list of job restriction
4. For developers
Actions are the new way to modify how the script works or add new features. These actions are event that occurs at a specific point in time during the execution of the script. But contrary to events, actions are synchronous.
Filters are the new way to modify data used by the script added in the v1.2.0
. These filters are fired at a specific point in time during the execution of the script. But contrary to events, filters are synchronous.
Client canOpenMDT
Fires before open the MDT
---@param canOpen - boolean
exports.jo_mdt:registerFilter('canOpenMDT', function(canOpen)
return canOpen
Client updateLangForNUI
Fires before update the NUI Lang
---@param Lang - table: list of lang strings
exports.jo_mdt:registerFilter('updateLangForNUI', function(Lang)
return Lang
Server canGetMDT
Fires before give the MDT to the player
---@param canGet - boolean
---@param source - integer: server ID of the player
---@param stationKey - integer: key of the station from Config.stations
exports.jo_mdt:registerFilter('canGetMDT', function(canGet,source,stationKey)
return canGet
Server canManageFileLocker
Fires before open the file cabinet
---@param canManage - boolean
---@param source - integer: server ID of the player
exports.jo_mdt:registerFilter('canManageFileLocker', function(canManage,source)
return canManage