🐴 Horse breeding
Documentation relating to the jo_stable_breeding add-on for Stable script.
1. Installation
Stable script is required to use this add-on
To install jo_stable_breeding:
- Drag and drop the resource into your resources folder
- jo_stable_breeding
- Add this ensure in your server.cfg after
ensure kd_stable
ensure jo_stable_breeding
Congratulation, the Horse breeding add-on is ready to be used!
2. Usage
Go in the stable to start the breeding. You can select parents between your own horses.
3. Config.lua file
Config = {}
Config.chanceToKeepMaleBreed = 50 -- Chance to use the same breed than male
Config.chanceToBeMale = 50 -- Chance to create a male foal
Config.maxBellySize = 1.5 -- Max size of belly when female is pregnant
Config.breedingTime = 5 * 60 * 1000 -- Duration of pregnancy in ms
Config.gapBetweenBreeding = 5 * 60 * 1000 -- Duration between two breeding of the same horse
Config.averageStats = { -- the foal stats will be between min and max of the parents average stats
max = 110, -- in percent: 110 = 10% more than the average of the parents
min = 90 -- in percent: 90 = 10% less than the average of the parents
Config.previews = {
valentine = {
male = vec4(-373.653, 785.386, 116.178, 273.751),
female = vec4(-373.665, 787.145, 116.170, 271.054),
blackwater = {
male = vec4(-861.050, -1365.625, 43.548, 90.004),
female = vec4(-860.964, -1367.177, 43.548, 89.874),
saintDenis = {
male = vec4(2504.182, -1439.932, 46.315, 180.180),
female = vec4(2502.509, -1439.840, 46.314, 179.753)
strawberry = {
male = vec4(-1822.980, -559.944, 156.061, 256.246),
female = vec4(-1823.328, -561.532, 156.055, 258.251),
tumbleweed = {
male = vec4(-5522.213, -3042.691, -2.388, 269.215),
female = vec4(-5522.228, -3044.422, -2.388, 268.564),
emerald = {
male = vec4(1211.878, -196.030, 101.380, 18.145),
female = vec4(1210.174, -196.514, 101.386, 18.331),
Config.randomCoatColor = true --Use random coat color for the foal
Config.noRandomTint = { --Disable random tint color for tint number X
A_C_Horse_Appaloosa_Leopard = {
horse_heads = { 1 },
horse_bodies = { 1 },
A_C_Horse_AmericanPaint_SplashedWhite = {
horse_heads = {},
horse_bodies = { 3 }
Config.wrongRandomColor = { --forbidden color values from horse color palette (-1 from the preview)
[34] = false,
[70] = false,
[87] = false,
[157] = false,
[194] = false,
[195] = false,
[196] = false,
[197] = false
4. For developers
Filters are the new way to modify data used by the script. These filters are fired at a specific point in time during the execution of the script. But contrary to events, filters are synchronous.
- Syntax:
-- @param <actionName> - name of the action
-- @param <argumentList> - list of arguments which are passed
exports.jo_stable_breeding:registerFilter(<actionName>, function(variable)
-- Add your new data here
return variable -- Don't forget to return the value
Client Restrict the breeding
Use it to restrict who can see the "Breeding" button in the stable menu
-- @param canBreed - boolean
exports.jo_stable_breeding:registerFilter('canOpenBreedingMenu', function(canBreed)
return canBreed
Example of job lock for VORP
AllowedJobs = {
rhdHorsetrainer = true,
blwHorsetrainer = true,
valHorsetrainer = true,
exports.jo_stable_breeding:registerFilter('canOpenBreedingMenu', function(canBreed)
local job = LocalPlayer.state.Character.Job
if AllowedJobs[job] then
return canBreed
jo.notif.rightError("You don't have the right job to tame wild horses")
return false