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🎩 Clothes Wheel

Documentation relating to the kd_clotheswheel.

1. Installation

  • Drag and drop the resource in your resources folder
    • kd_clotheswheel
  • Add this ensure in your server.cfg
    • ensure kd_clotheswheel
  • Congratulation, the Clothes Wheel script is ready to be use !

2. Usage

The script will automatically detect what clothes you wear to only display them. By default, press the key B to open the wheel.

You can also open the wheel from other resource by using the server side event :


For shirt and neckwear, you have the possibility to put them up/down too.

Listen the action on bandana with this client event :

AddEventHandler('kd_clotheswheel:client:bandanaUp', function(isUp)
    -- isUp = true if bandana up
    -- isUp = false if bandana down

3. Config.lua

-- Menu configuration, array of menus to display
Config = {}
Config.OpenKey = GetHashKey('INPUT_EMOTE_TWIRL_GUN_VAR_A')
Config.CloseAfterSwitch = true --Close the wheel when player turn on/off clothes
Config.PlayAnim = true

Config.commandReload = "refreshCW" --command to refresh the list of equiped clothes (use false to disable it)

Config.Menus = {                                 -- Data that is passed to Javascript
    style = {                               -- Wheel style settings
        sizePx = 800,                       -- Wheel size in pixels
        slices = {                          -- Slice style settings
            hover = { ['fill'] = '#ff0000', ['opacity'] = 0.90 },
            selected = { ['fill'] = '#ff0000', ['opacity'] = 0.80 }
        titles = {                          -- Text style settings
            default = { ['fill'] = '#ffffff', ['stroke'] = 'none', ['font-size'] = 16, ['font-weight'] = 'bold' },
            hover = { ['fill'] = '#ffffff', ['stroke'] = 'none', ['font-size'] = 16, ['font-weight'] = 'bold' },
            selected = { ['fill'] = '#ffffff', ['stroke'] = 'none', ['font-size'] = 16, ['font-weight'] = 'bold' }
        icons = {
            width = 100,
            height = 100
    wheels = {                              -- Array of wheels to display
            navAngle = 270,                 -- Oritentation of wheel
            minRadiusPercent = 0.5,         -- Minimum radius of wheel in percentage
            maxRadiusPercent = 0.8,         -- Maximum radius of wheel in percentage
            labels = {},
            minRadiusPercent = 0.8,
            maxRadiusPercent = 1.0,     
            labels = {}
            minRadiusPercent = 0.8,
            maxRadiusPercent = 1.0,
            labels = {}
            minRadiusPercent = 0.8,
            maxRadiusPercent = 1.0,
            labels = {}

Config.Clothes = {
    ["gunbelts"] = true,
    ["spats"] = true,
    ["gloves"] = true,
    ["satchels"] = true,
    ["belts"] = true,
    ["dresses"] = true,
    ["hats"] = true,
    ["boots"] = true,
    ["vests"] = true,
    ["chaps"] = true,
    ["boot_accessories"] = true,
    ["coats_closed"] = true,
    ["armor"] = true,
    ["jewelry_bracelets"] = true,
    ["ponchos"] = true,
    ["holsters_left"] = true,
    ["jewelry_rings_left"] = true,
    ["cloaks"] = true,
    ["neckwear"] = true,
    ["neckties"] = true,
    ["pants"] = true,
    ["loadouts"] = true,
    ["coats"] = true,
    ["masks"] = true,
    ["jewelry_rings_right"] = true,
    ["accessories"] = true,
    ["suspenders"] = true,
    ["belt_buckles"] = true,
    ["shirts_full"] = true,
    ["eyewear"] = true,
    ["gauntlets"] = true,
    ["badges"] = true,
    ["skirts"] = true,
    ["bodies_lower"] = false,
    ["hair_accessories"] = true

-- Animation function
function PlayAnimation(category)
    if not Config.PlayAnim then return end
    local dict = ""
    local anim = ""
    local timer = 0
    local offset = 0.0
    local flag = 0
    local flagtop = 24

    if category == "gunbelts" then
        if not Clothes[category].active then
            dict = "script_respawn@one_shot@fullbody@generic@unarmed@stand_adjust_belt@a"
            flag = flagtop
            anim = "respawn_action"
            timer = 1000
    elseif category == "spats" then
    elseif category == "gloves" then
        if not Clothes[category].active then
            dict = "mech_loco_m@character@arthur@fidgets@item_selection@gloves"
            flag = flagtop
            anim = "gloves_b"
            timer = 500
    elseif category == "satchels" then
    elseif category == "belts" then
    elseif category == "dresses" then
    elseif category == "hats" then
        dict = "mech_respawn@nap_grnd"
        anim = "getup_v1_player"
        offset = 0.6
        timer = 900
        flag = flagtop
        if not Clothes[category].active then
            timer = 800
    elseif category == "boots" then
        dict = "script_respawn@one_shot@fullbody@generic@unarmed@stand_boot_clean@a"
        anim = "respawn_action"
        timer = 500
    elseif category == "vests" then
    elseif category == "chaps" then
    elseif category == "boot_accessories" then
    elseif category == "coats_closed" then
    elseif category == "armor" then
    elseif category == "jewelry_bracelets" then
    elseif category == "ponchos" then
    elseif category == "holsters_left" then
    elseif category == "jewelry_rings_left" then
    elseif category == "cloaks" then
    elseif category == "neckwear" then
        dict = "mech_inventory@clothing@bandana"
        flag = flagtop
        if Clothes[category].active then
            anim = "neck_2_satchel"
            timer = 1000
            anim = "satchel_2_neck"
            timer = 2000
    elseif category == "neckties" then
    elseif category == "pants" then
    elseif category == "loadouts" then
    elseif category == "coats" then
    elseif category == "masks" then
        dict = "mech_inventory@clothing@mask"
        flag = flagtop
        if Clothes[category].active then
            anim = "face_2_satchel"
            timer = 1000
            anim = "satchel_2_face"
            timer = 2000
    elseif category == "jewelry_rings_right" then
    elseif category == "accessories" then
    elseif category == "suspenders" then
    elseif category == "belt_buckles" then
    elseif category == "shirts_full" then
    elseif category == "eyewear" then
        dict = "amb_wander@code_human_wander@male@generic"
        flag = flagtop
        anim = "wipe_eyes_02"
        timer = 1000
    elseif category == "gauntlets" then
    elseif category == "badges" then

    if (dict == "") then return end

    while not HasAnimDictLoaded(dict) do
    TaskPlayAnim(PlayerPedId(), dict, anim, 4.0, -4.0, -1, flag, offset, false, false, false)

4. Custom Frameworks

It's possible to force the reload of the clothes equiped by using this client event :

--Event to send custom data
--@param category : category of clothes you need to reload. Set nil to reload all clothes

5. For developers


Filters are the new way to modify data used by the script added in the v1.2.0. These filters are fired at a specific point in time during the execution of the script. But contrary to events, filters are synchronous.


You can create a filter in another resource. To do that, replace jo.hook.registerFilter() by exports.kd_clotheswheel:registerFilter()

Client canOpenWheel

Fired before open the clothes wheel

jo.hook.registerFilter('canOpenWheel', function(canOpen)
    --return false to cancel the opening of the clothes wheel
    return canOpen

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